Solar Kilowatt Hours Seasonal Summary

Data last updated 7/26/2024 10:05 PM.
Kilowatt Hours
Dec 2023 / Nov 2024175.2 15.9 less than the Winter average.350.9* 33.2 less than the Spring average.329.9* 119.1 less than the Summer average.---856.0* 473.7 less than the yearly average.
Dec 2022 / Nov 2023169.5 21.6 less than the Winter average.443.1 59 more than the Spring average.543.6 94.6 more than the Summer average.309.6 4.1 more than the Fall average.1465.8 136.1 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2021 / Nov 2022228.7 37.6 more than the Winter average.358.3 25.8 less than the Spring average.473.6 24.6 more than the Summer average.294.0 11.5 less than the Fall average.1354.6 24.9 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2020 / Nov 2021---------312.8 7.3 more than the Fall average.312.8* 1 less than the yearly average.
Dec 2019 / Nov 2020------------0.0* 1 less than the yearly average.
Dec 2018 / Nov 2019------------0.0* 1 less than the yearly average.
Dec 2017 / Nov 2018------------0.0* 1 less than the yearly average.
Max228.7 443.1 543.6 312.8 1465.8
Avg191.1 384.1 449.0 305.5 1329.7
Min169.5 350.9 329.9 294.0 0.0
Color Key
< 60.0 60.0 - 120.0 120.0 - 180.0 180.0 - 240.0 240.0 - 300.0 300.0 - 360.0 360.0 - 420.0 420.0 - 480.0 480.0 - 540.0 540.0 - 600.0 600.0 - 660.0 660.0 - 720.0720.0>
* denotes incomplete data for the month/year.

This report shows the kilowatt hours of solar energy received per square meter.

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.